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Jen Singh Fine Art

Jen Singh is an artist from Atlanta, GA 

soulful art for your spaces,
connecting you to the wildness of nature




artful gifts

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Painting Workshops

Winter schedule coming soon!

I teach beginner-level workshops where you'll explore painting with acrylics and watercolor. My workshops are all about being expressive and enjoying the process of creating.

These are small group classes with a capacity of 6-8 students. In these intimate art-making sessions, we dive deep and support each other in the process. Workshops will be in person at Garage Door Studio in downtown Avondale Estates, GA.

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Are you looking for a unique and personalized painting for your home or office? I find it a huge compliment to be asked to create a piece of art and believe the experience should be very personal and make a connection.

meet Jen

I'm an expressionist painter, instructor and handmade shop + gallery owner based in Avondale Estates, GA. My studio is nestled in the terrace level of my mid-century modern house built in 1955.

Painting takes me to magical places, usually conjuring a story. I revel in the mystery that exists in the wild nature around me, and the animals in my paintings evoke wonder and curiosity. Their soulful gazes are meant to create connection and encourage us to see beyond the physical.

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The imagery on this website may not be used without written permission from Jen Singh. All images of artwork, sold or otherwise, are retained by Jen Singh.

Photography is taken by Jen Singh orLiz Stubbs


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To use this feature, Just look for the "Live Preview AR" button when viewing any piece of art on this website!

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